March 9, 2025

The stunning Beasts in Paul & Joe’s Menagerie Are Wild about laid-back Color: The spring 2015 Menagerie Collection face and Eye color CS Palettes

wearing the new Paul & Joe face & Eye colors in CS 096 and CS 094 from the spring 2015 Menagerie collection
Paul & Joe’s spring Menagerie collection is not simply a collection of printed animals on powder pans. It is a representation of my not-too-distant future, a future in which I am a woman of advancing years living on a farm on the big Island of Hawaii surrounding by cats (obviously) and various other fauna.

Despite El Hub’s protests, we adopt a hippo and an elephant, in addition to ducks (and cats), and all of them live together harmoniously, much as they do on these pans.


The $39 face & Eye color CS palettes from the left in Elephanteau (096), Girafe (095) and Les Flamants Roses (094)
I think I’m physically incapable of not smiling when I look at these limited edition palettes, and they’re also a lot of fun to use, especially on casual makeup days when I’m rocking a ponytail, white tee and jeans (with my ASPCA cat Vans).

Face & Eye color in Elephanteau CS 096
The powders are multifunctional eyeshadows/blushes/highlighters and can be used on your eyes and cheeks.

Face & Eye color in Girafe CS 095
They also smell like candy hearts. and the scent is fairly strong (typical of Paul & Joe). Luckily, I like it.


Katten & make-up sweatshirt ??

$ 42

Winkel nu

Face & Eye color in Les Flamants Roses CS 094
Just like real life on a farm, these animals have jobs. The cat moonlights as an eyeshadow, the hippo works as an accent shade for eyes, the duck dances as a highlighter, and the elephant assists cheeks (while also doubling as an eye color).

Really, though, you can use any of them on your eyes or face, although Greta in the cube next to you might roll her eyes if she sees you wearing the blue hippo on your cheeks.

Maar wie maakt het uit? Doe het toch maar. I did the other day, haha! I wanted to see how the eyeshadows would work on my cheeks, and they worked great. The smooth, easy-to-blend powders deposit a tiny bit of fallout, but it’s not enough to warrant calling the avenging makeup angels down to unleash their wrath of fire and brimstone. niets zoals dat.

Face & Eye color in Elephanteau CS 096
Face & Eye color in Girafe CS 095
Face & Eye color in Les Flamants Roses CS 094

Dude, these animals are chill. All they want to do is laze about and keep it casual, ma. optimal for diaphanous washes of color and softly glowing eyes and cheeks; not optimal for bold, high-impact makeup, as the colors aren’t heavily pigmented. They’re a lot more in the sheer-to-medium range.

Wearing Paul & Joe face & Eye colors in Elephanteau CS 096 and Les Flamants Roses CS 094 on my eyes and cheeks; MAC Please Me Lipstick on my lips
Each of the three palettes consists of four color-coordinated shades.

Les Flamantes Roses CS 094, the box with the flamingos on the front, has a soft matte taupe eyeshadow, a sheer and satiny blue accent color, a shimmery light pink highlighter and a matte pinkish red blush.

Face & Eye colors from the left: CS 096, CS 095 and CS 094
The box with the jungle cats is codenamed Girafe CS 095. It’s the one for animal lovers who like warm shades. Your eyes will glow with a shimmery brown and a sheer lemony gold, while your cheeks light up with warm beige and satiny copper.

OK, call me crazy (I know you want to), but I wish the design on the last box, Elephanteau CS 096, the one with the zebras and toucans, was also the wallpaper in my bathroom.

That would be so cool!

This one has a satiny grayish taupe eyeshadow, a shimmery teal eyeshadow (the a lot of pigmented of all the shades), a pearlescent pinkish beige highlighter and a sheer satiny rose blush.

You’ll find all of them on P&J counters and online ideal meow at for $39 each.

PRICE: $39
AVAILABILITY: limited edition for spring 2015, and available now at Paul & Joe counters and online at
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: B+

Speaking of animals…

I passed a family of deer on my walk at lunch! They were just a few feet away, ideal around the corner from my house.

I snapped some pics with my phone, but le sigh… They didn’t turn out. I moved too slowly because I didn’t want to make the deer nervous.

Sometimes I get lucky, though, and get some pics, like these from a couple years ago of a (then) young buck who chilled out in my yard.

Apparently, he wasn’t interested in modeling as a occupation because he never came back, LOL!


Are there any neighborhood animals where you live?

Uw vriendelijke wijk beroepsverslaafde,


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