March 9, 2025

Metallic Mauve in the Machine! MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick as well as Lipglass with the Ocular Sensors of Robot Karen (BEEP!)

using the new MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick
BEEP! BOOP! Identity: Robot Karen. BEEP! Program start. Execute command of charm blog. BEEP! Temporarily commandeer MBB for afternoon. BOOP!

All rogue programs will be deleted from memory. BEEP! getaway is prohibited.


According to my programming — BEEP-BOOP-BOOP-BEE-BOOP! — there is a revival of ’90s makeup underway.

Should you need support in discovering a new frosty, pigmented lipstick and/or lip gloss — BOOP! — focus your ocular sensors on the nearest MAC counter to your proximity. BEEP!

The new MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick ($16 U.S./$19 CDN) as well as Lipglass ($15 U.S./$18 CDN) are authorized for utilize by robots as well as humans seeking strong metallic looks. BEEP!


Katten & make-up sweatshirt ??

$ 42

Winkel nu

My lipstick-o-meter detects a strong ’90s vibe from warm mauve Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick as well as its silvery frost. BEEP! BOOP!

MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick
A top view of MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick
Lipstick closeup
And my interior lipgloss spectrometer spikes when it analyzes the high shine material in the cooler mauve Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipglass, with its reddish frost. BEEP!

Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipglass

Another view of MAC Viva Glam Rihanna II

Viva Glam Rihanna II’s doe-foot applicator

Wearing Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipglass
For maximum metallic synthesis as well as the pinnacle in frosty robot ’90s-style lips, Robot Karen suggests layering the Lipglass on top of the Lipstick, while keeping the rest of your makeup — eyes, cheeks as well as skin — matte. BEEP! BOOP! This ought to highlight your strong lip look.

Wearing both the Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick as well as Lipglass
NON-ROBOT KAREN’S makeup ANALYSIS: As you can see, these shades are type of challenging to pull off. They’re dark, very frosty, as well as most likely finest fit for darker divas and/or members of Club ’90s Grunge Glam.

I can’t state this is my preferred Viva Glam ever (that honor goes to either Viva Glam V Lipstick or Lipglass), however I’ve always liked the concept behind the Viva Glam releases.

You can download (har-dee-har) the Viva Glam Rihanna II Lipstick as well as Lipglass on the internet now, or wait on them to materialize on North American MAC counters September 11 (and internationally, a long time this month.


BEEP! BOOP! end program.

Uw vriendelijke gemeenschap bedelverslaafde,


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