March 9, 2025

What’s the most Disgusting thing You’ve ever performed in the name of Beauty?

A few years back on a girl’s medical spa day up in Napa with my good friends Jen as well as Cindy, I decided to online a bit as well as try something different — something other than a massage or facial.

I had a mud bath.


And it was absolutely, positively the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done.

No, it wasn’t the dirt. I’m totally okay with dirt. Mud too. I have no issue getting dirty. I went into it expecting something relaxing, like a large Glam glow mask for my entire body.

Little did I know…


Katten & make-up sweatshirt ??

$ 42

Winkel nu

When we got to the spa, whatever was hunky-dory up until they took me to the space with the mud baths.

Uh…where’s my personal room? Ik vroeg me af. Where’s my tub?

Instead of there being a single tub in a personal room, all of the mud baths were in a significant open space, all lined up in industrial rows.

There were likewise women in the tubs, as well as more women waiting on their turn, so we were all just standing there — buck naked as well as uncomfortable — for, oh, 10 minutes or so (did I mention it was awkward?), up until it was our turn.

At that point, the medical spa technicians kicked three women out of the tubs they were in as well as plopped us in their places.

Sooooo…the mud wasn’t fresh.

Yeah, I don’t understand why, however I’d presumed they’d empty the tubs after each person, as well as refill them with new mud for the next.

Is that crazy? I mean, I assumption dirt is dirt as well as all, however whatever — it grossed me out. The entire time I was sitting in that tub, I kept believing of all the naked people who’d been there before me, as well as all of the strands of body hair as well as wayward bits of poo floating around…

Who understands exactly how long they’d been utilizing that exact same mud. It could’ve been weeks or months or YEARS!

Looking back on it, I most likely should have said, “NO really I’LL PASS! HET GAAT GOED MET MIJ! I’LL just wait HERE!” however I was overwhelmed by the grossness of everything as well as couldn’t stop myself before I was totally immersed in the mud, as well as by that point, it wasn’t simple to get out.

That mud was hot as well as encumbering. difficult to move around in. as well as then my claustrophobia kicked in, as well as I couldn’t breathe. To make matters worse, I was sitting dealing with a wall that was covered with these truly frightening masks, as well as I couldn’t look to either side — mainly out of shock, however likewise since it may seem like I was ogling the other naked women in the tubs next to me.

IT WAS the most DISGUSTING 20 minutes OF MY LIFE!


Lesson discovered here: opt for the massage or facial.

What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever performed in the name of beauty?

Uw vriendelijke addict van de gemeenschappelijke gemeenschap,


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