March 9, 2025

NARS guy Ray for NARS holiday 2017: The Duo Eyeshadows as well as velvet Eyeliners

I’m using the guy Ray for NARS holiday 2017 collection on my eyes, cheeks as well as lips
Uh…who is this guy Ray dude?

For their holiday collections, NARS typically pairs up with an artist as well as thematically incorporates the artist’s work into the release. This year, that artist is guy Ray.


No, we did not just teleport into an episode of Futurama. ?

Man Ray was an American visual artist understood for his photography in the ’20s as well as ’30s, as well as he was a huge time contributor to the Dada as well as Surrealist movements. You’ve most likely seen his work on your day-to-day travels. My preferred of his pieces is this photo here. It’s called Glass Tears. The very first time I can keep in mind seeing it was in a magazine when I was in high school, as well as it haunts me to this day.

I question if guy Ray liked purple, since the eye makeup in this color collection has purple, purple, purple!


Katten & make-up sweatshirt ??

$ 42

Winkel nu

Exciting stuff, if you ask me.

I’m into purple on my lids as well as lash lines, particularly purples with bronze as well as gold, as well as there’s great deals of that happening here. If you’re a NARS Cordura fan or a NARS Mekong or MAC Sketch or Shale fan, you’ll most likely be feeling the duos as well as liners.

Swatches from the top: Montparnasse Duo Eyeshadow, Debacuhed Duo Eyeshadow, Santiago velvet Eyeliner, Nagoya velvet Eyeliner
Before we jump into the eye makeup, let me back up a little first. The guy Ray for NARS holiday collection introduces this Friday, October 6th at NARS boutiques as well as the NARS website, as well as it’s set up the exact same method that NARS has been doing their holiday collections for the past few years, with a color collection, which is like your conventional makeup LE collection with eye, lip as well as cheek products, as well as then there’s likewise a “gifting” collection with kits as well as sets.

The color collection includes 11 pieces as well as includes glosses, eyeshadow duos, a highlighter as well as liners, as well as there’s great deals of purple, bronze as well as gold on parade, to which I have to state “YAAAAS!”

Man Ray for NARS holiday color collection
There are two $36 eyeshadow duos, each with a pan of incredibly wearable, joyful, beautiful purple shadow. The wearable element is a bit of a departure for NARS holiday eye shadows, as 2015’s Steven Klein as well as 2016’s Sarah Moon seemed much more serious, heavy, and…challenging to me. Like, am I truly gonna wear a single pan of frosty white shadow on a Tuesday afternoon? hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet.

These two new duos may not be as edgy as the NARS shadows from recent holiday collections, however I’m fine with that. I’ll take easy-to-wear stuff any type of day of the week.

The very first duo, Montparnasse, pairs a satiny, reddish bronzed purple with a frosty, awesome yellow gold. The second one, Debauched, partners a rich, deep golden plum with a smoky blackened purple including red micro glitter.

Duo Eyeshadow in Montparnasse ($46)

And the purple in Montparnasse is certainly simple to work with. It’s a sheer purple, which I don’t believe is a poor thing whatsoever in this case, as well as it has a satiny finish. The sheerness is useful because, well, purples can be difficult to blend, man! since believe of exactly how much it contrasts with skin… That’s a huge leap. It’s certainly much more of a leap than tan or beige shadow.

You just have to do much more work to get purple to look like it’s expected to be there, as well as not like you just bumped into a doorknob.

If you’re into natural appears like I am a great deal nowadays, since this is on the sheerer side, you won’t have to buff the edges extremely much to produce a good dark-to-light gradient.

Also using Fetishized blush on my cheeks as well as Off Limits Photogloss Lip Laquer in Shimmering Fuchsia on my lips.
I like to do the purple on my lids first, then fade it up into my crease. as well as then I take the gold shade, which is extremely reflective as well as shiny, pat that on the center of my lid with a finger, as well as leave it be. Eventually, that gold melts into the purple, as well as that’s that. You barely have to do any type of work! That’s precisely what I did for the Montparnasse look here.

I’m using Montparnasse on my lids as well as Santiago velvet eyeliner on my lash lines
Next, I lined my lash as well as water lines with Santiago velvet eyeliner ($24), which is a purplish bronzed brown that appears like a hybrid of MAC Teddy as well as MAC Prunella.

It’s pigmented (yay!), however it doesn’t like to stick to my water lines (gah).

I have the exact same problem with second liner in the collection, purple Nagoya. It works fine on my lash lines, however it needs a touch-up every couple hours when I utilize it on my water lines.

Ik houd echter van de kleur van Nagoya. Het is een helder ’80s-stijl violet (vergelijkbaar met deze tint van Sephora Ik heb een paar maanden geleden gekozen), evenals het snijdt zeker met het Debauched Duo, wat de donkerdere van de twee oogschaduwduo’s is.

Duo-oogschaduw in Debauched ($ 46)
De paars in Debached is een zwartgeblarpen purple, evenals het is veel intenser dan de paarse in Montparnasse, dus ik geloof dat het zeker profiteert van een shift-kleur (ik heb NARS blondie voor deze look gebruikt).

Dat is het gedeveerte duo op mijn deksels, Nagoya Velvet Eyeliner op mijn wimperlijnen, evenals Nars Blondie in de vouw.
Debauched heeft eveneens een diepzwarte pruim, evenals pruim met rode glinstering, die je misschien afvraagt ​​of het lijkt als Nars Mekong, maar het is het niet. Mekong is ridder, evenals ze er echt heel anders uitzien.

Deze is erg geweldig als je het nat toepast, omdat het de sparkles echt opvallen. Ik deed hier precies in de buitenste hoek met een borstel die ik nat is met een kleine Mac-fix +. Als je het een poging hebt, moet je in gedachten houden om de schaduw te laten drogen voordat je het mengt, want als je dat niet doet, zullen je randen allemaal schokkerig eindigen.

Ik gebruik eveneens intens blos, evenals overbelichte glow markeerstift in dubbele kijk op mijn wangen, evenals Zambeze Photogloss Lip Lak op mijn lippen.
Ik kan zowel de oogschaduwduo’s in deze collectie zeker suggereren. Wat betreft de liners, ik geloof dat ze ook extreem mooi zijn, evenals complementair, maar je kunt soortgelijke dingen ontdekken van andere merken die eveneens veel beter werken op waterlijnen.


Ik test nog steeds de blozen, de markeerstift en de glans deze week, dus blijf op de hoogte.

Uw vriendelijke gemeenschap bedelverslaafde,


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